>From looking in the code, the problem seems to be in the
DefaultConversionHandler class, which is eventually invoked to convert a
value into an array or a collection. In the protected extractValues()
method a DisabledListDelimiterHandler is used to process the value -
which of course does not handle the delimiter character. To be honest, I
don't know why it was implemented that way; this could be considered a bug.

A work-around could be to implement a custom ConversionHandler that
extends DefaultConversionHandler. Here you can override the
extractValues() method, and if the value is a String, you can delegate
to the split() method of a DefaultListDelimiterHandler.


Am 28.08.19 um 13:11 schrieb Duc Tran:
> Thank you Oliver,
> I am aware of the ListDelimiterHandler. And in the code I already
> declare that[1] when loading properties files and having a test to prove
> the ListDelimiterHandler is working. but the issue with ENV variables
> still remains[2]. Then I had to do a tricky hack to resolve the problem
> but doesn't satisfy so I reached to the mailing list.
> Do you have any idea?
> [1]
> https://github.com/linagora/james-project/blob/10f7aaf9a440b1bc83e88e1842b4b89fff5c96ec/server/container/guice/configuration/src/main/java/org/apache/james/utils/PropertiesProvider.java#L80
> [2]
> https://github.com/linagora/james-project/pull/2622/commits/538be74ef1a9e713db0a68b13ac2e35fc68f1df3
>> Hello Duc,
>> the problem you are facing is probably not related to double quotes, but
>> to a change in the way delimiter characters in strings are handled.
>> In configuration 2.x the splitting of strings at delimiter characters is
>> disabled per default. But you can enable this feature by setting a
>> suitable ListDelimiterHandler. This is described in the user's guide [1].
>> HTH
>> Oliver
>> [1]
>> http://commons.apache.org/proper/commons-configuration/userguide/howto_basicfeatures.html#List_handling
>>> Am 23.08.19 um 05:04 schrieb Duc Tran:
>>> Hello, I'm Duc, and in our projects, we just upgraded from
>>> commons-configuration 1.9 to 2.5 and we found that when passing env
>>> variables into properties file as a list like
>>> `key=${env:MY_LIST_VARIABLES}` where MY_LIST_VARIABLES is "value1,
>>> value2, value3", the new commons configuration 2.5 doesn't strip double
>>> quotes. This makes `properites.getStringArray("key")` returns an array
>>> with only element is the big string ["value1, value2, value3"] instead
>>> of what I expected and what the commons-configuration 1 does returns
>>> ["value1", "value2", "value3"]
>>> So, do you have any suggestion to keep that behavior with
>>> commons-configuration 2.5?
>>> Thank you!
>>> Duc Tran Tien,

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