Thx Brian again, I totally understand your description about the map/reduce
realistic scenario, this is just what i worry about my view, my reduce
function is non-linear, actually i need the logic in reduce part and the
that re-reduce code abviouse wrong, but when the realistic reduce occurred,
like you say "t's quite possible given N documents that couchdb will reduce
the first N-1, then reduce the last 1" and my logic isn't be run

seem difficult to execute this logic in reduce, except i return a large
object( which i don't like ) to make sure i can execute the same logic in
re-reduce part, i can return the additional value which hold the
{'dialogid':bestScore,....} in the reduce function and that could make sure
i can execute the same logic in re-reduce part, but when user studied dialog
more and more, the reduce value got lager and larger

should i get  a conclusion that logic like this isn't proper to implement in
couchdb's view?
also as you say i can download all data to client to  caculate, but this is
very costly and have scalable problem.

> I don't really understand why you need a subquery in rdbms. I would just
> select all results where uid=x, and process them as required (for example:
> build a hash of dialogid=>bestScore and update it from each received row)

oh, maybe i don't descripe clearly, with a subquery i can used only one sql
to get all the user's result( i impl a scoreboard) without any other program
code, and within query i can impl pagination(physic paging) and sorting,

On Thu, Jun 25, 2009 at 5:08 PM, Brian Candler <> wrote:

> On Thu, Jun 25, 2009 at 09:34:31AM +0100, Brian Candler wrote:
> > Perhaps it will help you to understand this if you consider the limiting
> > case where exactly one document is fed into the 'reduce' function at a
> time,
> > and then the outputs of the reduce functions are combined with a large
> > re-reduce phase.
> Incidentally, this is a partly realistic scenario. It's quite possible
> given
> N documents that couchdb will reduce the first N-1, then reduce the last 1,
> then re-reduce those two values. This might be because of how the documents
> are split between Btree nodes, or there may be a limit on the number of
> documents passed to the reduce function in one go. This is entirely an
> implementation issue which you have no control over, so you must write your
> reduce/rereduce to give the same answer for *any* partitioning of
> documents.
> More info at
> "To make incremental Map/Reduce possible, the Reduce function has the
> requirement that not only must it be referentially transparent, but it must
> also be commutative and associative for the array value input, to be able
> reduce on its own output and get the same answer, like this:
> f(Key, Values) == f(Key, [ f(Key, Values) ] )"
> Now, at first glance your re-reduce function appears to satisfy that
> condition, so perhaps there should be another one: namely, that for any
> partitioning of Values into subsets Values1, Values2, ... then
>  f(Key, Values) == f(Key, [ f(Key,Values1), f(Key,Values2), ... ] )
> But I am not a mathematician so I'm not sure if this condition is actually
> stronger.
> Regards,
> Brian.

Yours sincerely

Jack Su

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