Den 02. jan. 2012 08:58, skrev Walter Werner:

How about if every document get a parent attribute?

root document
id: 123
parent: undefined

child document
id: 768
parent: 123

child child document
id: 991
parent: 768


You need then a view with the parent as a key. With one request you
can get all his children (only 1 level) of a document. Then you
proceed with the children-documents and ask again whether they have
children. Maybe it will be a performance Issue, if your 'object' has
too many levels. The advantage is, that you don't have to think about
how the id's of your documents should look like.

That is almost what I'm currently trying. I Have a topmost_parent attribute, then a parent attribute and a next_sibling attribute. That way, I can get all elements with one request. I still have to process on the client, but I think it should work. The optimal solution would allow me to get it ordered correctly from the database, but I see no way of achieving that.

Jo-Erlend Schinstad

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