I'm bumping this because it is killing me.  I can't get past this problem.
 It is happening several places in my code.

What can cause an "OS Process Error"?

On Mon, Jan 30, 2012 at 2:29 PM, Mark Hahn <m...@hahnca.com> wrote:

> I'm getting this error on a put request for an attachment.
>     [error] [<0.7533.1>] OS Process Error <0.7546.1> ::
> {<<"unnamed_error">>,
>     <<"(new ReferenceError(\"options is not defined\", \"\"))">>}
> This is my node code ...
> headers = {}
> headers.Authorization     = mh.dbAuthHdr
>  headers['content-type']   = contentType
> headers['content-length'] = contentLength
>  dbPath = '/ri/' + compDoc._id + '/' + attachmentName + '?rev=' +
> compDoc._rev
> options = {host: 'localhost', port: mh.dbPort, method: 'PUT', headers,
> path: dbPath}
> respStr = ''
> resp = null
> readStream = fs.createReadStream filePath
>  readStream.on 'error', (e) ->
> vh.err req, res, 'um: uploadAttachment read error ' + compDoc._id + ' ' +
> e.message, 500
>  readStream.pipe http.request options, (resProx) ->
> if +resProx.statusCode isnt 201
>  vh.err req, res,
> 'um: uploadAttachment db request err ' + compDoc._id + ' ' +
> resProx.statusCode, 500
>  return
> resProx.on 'data', (chunk) -> respStr += chunk.toString()
>  resProx.on 'end', (chunk) ->
> if chunk then respStr += chunk.toString()
>  resp = JSON.parse respStr
> docUpdate = procThumbnails: compDoc.procThumbnails
>  if lastUpdate then docUpdate.needsNotification = yes
> db.updateDoc compDoc._id, docUpdate, (err, doc) ->
>  if err
> log 'dba: uploadAttachment compDoc update err ' + compDoc._id
>  cb false
> return
> compDoc = doc
>  callback true
> This is the value of my options ...
>          host: <string> localhost
>          path: <string>
> /ri/04b7c4eb50d1d01dbb1a0f097bb80/thumbnail-72x48c.jpg?rev=27-3d44ae708d6fe9c835577d71f5e70359
>          method: <string> PUT
>          headers:
>             content-length: <number> 3511
>             content-type: <string> image/jpeg
>             Authorization: <string> Basic ... snipped ...
>          port: <number> 5984
> Does anyone have an idea of what I'm doing wrong?

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