>  do you have a validate_doc_update function with any mention of an
"options" label?

No, I don't.  I don't have anything named options in my db setup.

>   I suspect the "options" part of your node code is a red herring.

When I get a chance I'll test changing my variable name but I'm confident
that the name is just a coincidence as you said.  I suspect it is some
internal couch var.

I emptied my db and that didn't help.  I went to the trouble to rebuild
couch from scratch but it made no difference.

The problem happens in two requests in my code and for now I've managed to
disable them to get back to work.  The weird thing is that I can't find
anything in common with the two places.  One is trying to add an attachment
and the other is a _changes request.  Oh well ...

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