First problem is that your update function works with `doc` argument -
that is the stored within database document -, not that you had sent
with PUT request. To process the request payload you need to work with
req.body data, but in your case this isn't need to.

Second is that both text and timestamp have actually changed - take a
look on them one more time (;




On Wed, Nov 20, 2013 at 11:40 AM, Vivek Pathak <> wrote:
> I have an update handler.
> |{
>    "|_id|":|"_design/compnbd"|,
>    "|_rev|":|"36-3321da9588a5a7b3fef8789bdfefe18d"|,
>    "|updates|":|{
>        "|timestamp|":|"function(doc, req) {\n    if( doc.type == \"profile\"
> ) { \n        var d = new Date();\n        doc.serverISO8601time =
> d.toISOString(); \n        doc.serverTime = d.getTime() / 1000 ;\n    }\n
> return [doc , ''] ;\n} \n"|
>    }|,
>    "|language|":|"javascript"|,
>    "|views|":|{
>       // removed ...
>    }
> }
> ||
> The function is copied here for convenience:
> function(doc, req) {
>     if( doc.type == "profile" ) {
>         var d = new Date();
>         doc.serverISO8601time = d.toISOString();
>         doc.serverTime = d.getTime() / 1000 ;
>     }
>     return [doc , ''] ;
> }
> I run the following commands:
>    curl -s 'http://localhost:5984/i7rmdb/testid' > /tmp/2.json
>    cat /tmp/2.json
> {"_id":"testid","_rev":"5-71ee77bc43fc698a935abc60dc33a82c","type":"profile","text":"hello
> 123","serverISO8601time":"2013-11-20T07:29:35.497Z","serverTime":1384932575.496999979}
> Now I edit the document.
>    cat /tmp/2.json
> {"_id":"testid","_rev":"5-71ee77bc43fc698a935abc60dc33a82c","type":"profile","text":"hello
> 12345 !!!! text changed ....
> ","serverISO8601time":"2013-11-20T07:29:35.497Z","serverTime":1384932575.496999979}
> And put it using the update handler.
>    curl -s -X PUT
> 'http://localhost:5984/i7rmdb/_design/compnbd/_update/timestamp/testid' -d
> @/tmp/2.json
> Notice the text did not change, just the time stamp changed.
>    curl -s 'http://localhost:5984/i7rmdb/testid'
> {"_id":"testid","_rev":"6-6726469319fc80710ef15d0df6dd6320","type":"profile","text":"hello
> 123","serverISO8601time":"2013-11-20T07:31:58.351Z","serverTime":1384932718.3510000706}
> I was expecting both text and timestamp to change.  Is that correct?
> Thanks
> On 11/20/2013 01:38 AM, Stanley Iriele wrote:
>> Are you asking how to update a document with an update handler?
>> Like...what
>> the  pattern looks like?
>> On Nov 19, 2013 10:31 PM, "Alexander Shorin" <> wrote:
>>> The update handlers does document update already with single http
>>> request. To update document content or not is the question of function
>>> implementation.
>>> --
>>> ,,,^..^,,,
>>> On Wed, Nov 20, 2013 at 10:26 AM, Vivek Pathak <>
>>> wrote:
>>>> Hi
>>>> I have couchdb 1.2.1 - and wanted to update document content and also
>>> run a
>>>> update handler using only one http call.
>>>> Is it possible to do this?
>>>> Thanks
>>>> Vivek

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