The library exists to connect you to cloudant, which is a remote service. :)


On 20 Mar 2014, at 16:31, Ramanadham, Radhika <> 

> Hi guys,
> I have a dumb question.
> Now with  cloudant, how do I connect to my couchDB server 
> (http://localhost:5984)  with no username and password?
> All the examples I see connect to cloudant and not couchDB. How do I connect 
> to
> import cloudant
> # connect to your account
> # in this case,
> USERNAME = 'garbados'
> account = cloudant.Account(USERNAME, async=True)
> # login, so we can make changes
> future = account.login(USERNAME, PASSWORD)
> # block until we get the response body
> login = future.result()
> assert login.status_code == 200
> Thanks,
> Radhika

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