> Am 20.03.2014 um 17:41 schrieb Robert Samuel Newson <rnew...@apache.org>:
> The library exists to connect you to cloudant, which is a remote service. :)

While this is true, it also works plenty well to connect to any
couchdb instance. We've switched to using it and I've found the
interface somewhat better (cleaner?) in comparison to other similar

Of course a matter of taste.


> B.
>> On 20 Mar 2014, at 16:31, Ramanadham, Radhika <radhika.ramanad...@emc.com> 
>> wrote:
>> Hi guys,
>> I have a dumb question.
>> Now with  cloudant, how do I connect to my couchDB server 
>> (http://localhost:5984)  with no username and password?
>> All the examples I see connect to cloudant and not couchDB. How do I connect 
>> to
>> import cloudant
>> # connect to your account
>> # in this case, https://garbados.cloudant.com
>> USERNAME = 'garbados'
>> account = cloudant.Account(USERNAME, async=True)
>> # login, so we can make changes
>> future = account.login(USERNAME, PASSWORD)
>> # block until we get the response body
>> login = future.result()
>> assert login.status_code == 200
>> Thanks,
>> Radhika

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