On May 1, 2014, at 8:47 AM, Interactive Blueprints 
<p.van.der.e...@interactiveblueprints.nl> wrote:

> 2014-05-01 13:14 GMT+02:00 Herman Chan <herman...@gmail.com>:
>> Thanks Adam,
>> It seems like it is happening again, with more info this time.  It looks 
>> like I am hitting some sort of system limit, can anyone point out where to 
>> look next?
> Just guessing here..
> What could be is that you hit the max open file limit of your system.
> With "ulimit -a" you can see the limits on your system.
> Usually the max open file limit is somewhere around 1024.
> I noticed that couchdb loves to have a lot of files open simultaneously.
> Iin the same shell you start couchdb, right before you start couchdb,
> you can do a "ulimit -a 4096" (or another large value), this should
> give coudhb the ability to open more files.
> Hope this helps.
> Pieter van der Eems
> Interactive Blueprints

That's a good thought Pieter, though typically in that case you'll see an 
'emfile' error in the logs. This particular system_limit error (with {erlang, 
spawn_link, ...} following it) occurs when the Erlang VM has reached the 
maximum number of processes it's allowed to spawn. Judging from the *long* list 
of processes linked to couch_httpd in this stacktrace I'd say Herman's client 
is improperly leaving connections open. Herman, did you intend to have 1000s of 
open TCP connections on this server? Regards,


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