I did not note any memory errors or warnings in a quick scan of the logs, but 
to double check, is there a specific log I would find such warnings in?

> On May 28, 2015, at 12:01 PM, Andries Engelbrecht <aengelbre...@maprtech.com> 
> wrote:
> I have used a single CTAS to create tables using parquet with 1.5B rows.
> It did consume a lot of heap memory on the Drillbits and I had to increase 
> the heap size. Check your logs to see if you are running out of heap memory.
> I used 128MB parquet block size.
> This was with Drill 0.9 , so I’m sure 1.0 will be better in this regard.
> —Andries
>> On May 28, 2015, at 8:43 AM, Matt <bsg...@gmail.com> wrote:
>> Is 300MM records too much to do in a single CTAS statement?
>> After almost 23 hours I killed the query (^c) and it returned:
>> ~~~
>> +-----------+----------------------------+
>> | Fragment  | Number of records written  |
>> +-----------+----------------------------+
>> | 1_20      | 13568824                   |
>> | 1_15      | 12411822                   |
>> | 1_7       | 12470329                   |
>> | 1_12      | 13693867                   |
>> | 1_5       | 13292136                   |
>> | 1_18      | 13874321                   |
>> | 1_16      | 13303094                   |
>> | 1_9       | 13639049                   |
>> | 1_10      | 13698380                   |
>> | 1_22      | 13501073                   |
>> | 1_8       | 13533736                   |
>> | 1_2       | 13549402                   |
>> | 1_21      | 13665183                   |
>> | 1_0       | 13544745                   |
>> | 1_4       | 13532957                   |
>> | 1_19      | 12767473                   |
>> | 1_17      | 13670687                   |
>> | 1_13      | 13469515                   |
>> | 1_23      | 12517632                   |
>> | 1_6       | 13634338                   |
>> | 1_14      | 13611322                   |
>> | 1_3       | 13061900                   |
>> | 1_11      | 12760978                   |
>> +-----------+----------------------------+
>> 23 rows selected (82294.854 seconds)
>> ~~~
>> The sum of those record counts is  306,772,763 which is close to the  
>> 320,843,454 in the source file:
>> ~~~
>> 0: jdbc:drill:zk=es05:2181> select count(*)  FROM root.`sample_201501.dat`;
>> +------------+
>> |   EXPR$0   |
>> +------------+
>> | 320843454  |
>> +------------+
>> 1 row selected (384.665 seconds)
>> ~~~
>> It represents one month of data, 4 key columns and 38 numeric measure 
>> columns, which could also be partitioned daily. The test here was to create 
>> monthly Parquet files to see how the min/max stats on Parquet chunks help 
>> with range select performance.
>> Instead of a small number of large monthly RDBMS tables, I am attempting to 
>> determine how many Parquet files should be used with Drill / HDFS.
>>> On 27 May 2015, at 15:17, Matt wrote:
>>> Attempting to create a Parquet backed table with a CTAS from an 44GB tab 
>>> delimited file in HDFS. The process seemed to be running, as CPU and IO was 
>>> seen on all 4 nodes in this cluster, and .parquet files being created in 
>>> the expected path.
>>> In however in the last two hours or so, all nodes show near zero CPU or IO, 
>>> and the Last Modified date on the .parquet have not changed. Same time 
>>> delay shown in the Last Progress column in the active fragment profile.
>>> What approach can I take to determine what is happening (or not)?

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