That is a good point. The difference between the number of source rows, and those that made it into the parquet files is about the same count as the other fragments.

Indeed the query profile does show fragment 1_1 as CANCELED while the others all have State FINISHED. Additionally the other fragments have a runtime of less than 30 mins, where only fragment 1_1 lasted the 23 hours before cancellation.

On 28 May 2015, at 16:43, Mehant Baid wrote:

I think the problem might be related to a single laggard, looks like we are waiting for one minor fragment to complete. Based on the output you provided looks like the fragment 1_1 hasn't completed. You might want to find out where the fragment was scheduled and what is going on in that node. It might also be useful to look at the profile for that minor fragment to see how much data has been processed.


On 5/28/15 10:57 AM, Matt wrote:
Did you check the log files for any errors?

No messages related to this query containing errors or warning, nor nothing mentioning memory or heap. Querying now to determine what is missing in the parquet destination.

drillbit.out on the master shows no error messages, and what looks like the last relevant line is:

May 27, 2015 6:43:50 PM INFO: parquet.hadoop.ColumnChunkPageWriteStore: written 2,258,263B for [bytes_1250] INT64: 3,069,414 values, 24,555,504B raw, 2,257,112B comp, 24 pages, encodings: [RLE, PLAIN, BIT_PACKED] May 27, 2015 6:43:51 PM INFO: parquet.haMay 28, 2015 5:13:42 PM org.apache.calcite.sql.validate.SqlValidatorException <init>

The final lines in drillbit.log (which appear to use a different time format in the log) that contain the profile ID:

2015-05-27 18:39:49,980 [2a9a10ec-6f96-5dc5-54fc-dc5295a77e42:frag:1:20] INFO o.a.d.e.w.fragment.FragmentExecutor - 2a9a10ec-6f96-5dc5-54fc-dc5295a77e42:1:20: State change requested from RUNNING --> FINISHED for 2015-05-27 18:39:49,981 [2a9a10ec-6f96-5dc5-54fc-dc5295a77e42:frag:1:20] INFO o.a.d.e.w.f.AbstractStatusReporter - State changed for 2a9a10ec-6f96-5dc5-54fc-dc5295a77e42:1:20. New state: FINISHED 2015-05-27 18:40:05,650 [2a9a10ec-6f96-5dc5-54fc-dc5295a77e42:frag:1:12] INFO o.a.d.e.w.fragment.FragmentExecutor - 2a9a10ec-6f96-5dc5-54fc-dc5295a77e42:1:12: State change requested from RUNNING --> FINISHED for 2015-05-27 18:40:05,650 [2a9a10ec-6f96-5dc5-54fc-dc5295a77e42:frag:1:12] INFO o.a.d.e.w.f.AbstractStatusReporter - State changed for 2a9a10ec-6f96-5dc5-54fc-dc5295a77e42:1:12. New state: FINISHED 2015-05-27 18:41:57,444 [2a9a10ec-6f96-5dc5-54fc-dc5295a77e42:frag:1:16] INFO o.a.d.e.w.fragment.FragmentExecutor - 2a9a10ec-6f96-5dc5-54fc-dc5295a77e42:1:16: State change requested from RUNNING --> FINISHED for 2015-05-27 18:41:57,444 [2a9a10ec-6f96-5dc5-54fc-dc5295a77e42:frag:1:16] INFO o.a.d.e.w.f.AbstractStatusReporter - State changed for 2a9a10ec-6f96-5dc5-54fc-dc5295a77e42:1:16. New state: FINISHED 2015-05-27 18:43:25,005 [2a9a10ec-6f96-5dc5-54fc-dc5295a77e42:frag:1:8] INFO o.a.d.e.w.fragment.FragmentExecutor - 2a9a10ec-6f96-5dc5-54fc-dc5295a77e42:1:8: State change requested from RUNNING --> FINISHED for 2015-05-27 18:43:25,005 [2a9a10ec-6f96-5dc5-54fc-dc5295a77e42:frag:1:8] INFO o.a.d.e.w.f.AbstractStatusReporter - State changed for 2a9a10ec-6f96-5dc5-54fc-dc5295a77e42:1:8. New state: FINISHED 2015-05-27 18:43:54,539 [2a9a10ec-6f96-5dc5-54fc-dc5295a77e42:frag:1:0] INFO o.a.d.e.w.fragment.FragmentExecutor - 2a9a10ec-6f96-5dc5-54fc-dc5295a77e42:1:0: State change requested from RUNNING --> FINISHED for 2015-05-27 18:43:54,540 [2a9a10ec-6f96-5dc5-54fc-dc5295a77e42:frag:1:0] INFO o.a.d.e.w.f.AbstractStatusReporter - State changed for 2a9a10ec-6f96-5dc5-54fc-dc5295a77e42:1:0. New state: FINISHED 2015-05-27 18:43:59,947 [2a9a10ec-6f96-5dc5-54fc-dc5295a77e42:frag:1:4] INFO o.a.d.e.w.fragment.FragmentExecutor - 2a9a10ec-6f96-5dc5-54fc-dc5295a77e42:1:4: State change requested from RUNNING --> FINISHED for 2015-05-27 18:43:59,947 [2a9a10ec-6f96-5dc5-54fc-dc5295a77e42:frag:1:4] INFO o.a.d.e.w.f.AbstractStatusReporter - State changed for 2a9a10ec-6f96-5dc5-54fc-dc5295a77e42:1:4. New state: FINISHED

On 28 May 2015, at 13:42, Andries Engelbrecht wrote:

It should execute multi threaded, need to check on text file.

Did you check the log files for any errors?

On May 28, 2015, at 10:36 AM, Matt <> wrote:

The time seems pretty long for that file size. What type of file is it?

Tab delimited UTF-8 text.

I left the query to run overnight to see if it would complete, but 24 hours for an import like this would indeed be too long.

Is the CTAS running single threaded?

In the first hour, with this being the only client connected to the cluster, I observed activity on all 4 nodes.

Is multi-threaded query execution the default? I would not have changed anything deliberately to force single thread execution.

On 28 May 2015, at 13:06, Andries Engelbrecht wrote:

The time seems pretty long for that file size. What type of file is it?

Is the CTAS running single threaded?


On May 28, 2015, at 9:37 AM, Matt <> wrote:

How large is the data set you are working with, and your cluster/nodes?

Just testing with that single 44GB source file currently, and my test cluster is made from 4 nodes, each with 8 CPU cores, 32GB RAM, a 6TB Ext4 volume (RAID-10).

Drill defaults left as come in v1.0. I will be adjusting memory and retrying the CTAS.

I know I can / should assign individual disks to HDFS, but as a test cluster there are apps that expect data volumes to work on. A dedicated Hadoop production cluster would have a disk layout specific to the task.

On 28 May 2015, at 12:26, Andries Engelbrecht wrote:

Just check the drillbit.log and drillbit.out files in the log directory. Before adjusting memory, see if that is an issue first. It was for me, but as Jason mentioned there can be other causes as well.

You adjust memory allocation in the files, and have to restart the drill bits.

How large is the data set you are working with, and your cluster/nodes?


On May 28, 2015, at 9:17 AM, Matt <> wrote:

To make sure I am adjusting the correct config, these are heap parameters within the Drill configure path, not for Hadoop or Zookeeper?

On May 28, 2015, at 12:08 PM, Jason Altekruse <> wrote:

There should be no upper limit on the size of the tables you can create with Drill. Be advised that Drill does currently operate entirely optimistically in regards to available resources. If a network connection between two drillbits fails during a query, we will not currently re-schedule the work to make use of remaining nodes and network connections that are still live. While we have had a good amount of success using Drill for data conversion, be aware that these conditions could cause long
running queries to fail.

That being said, it isn't the only possible cause for such a failure. In the case of a network failure we would expect to see a message returned to you that part of the query was unsuccessful and that it had been cancelled. Andries has a good suggestion in regards to checking the heap memory, this should also be detected and reported back to you at the CLI, but we may be failing to propagate the error back to the head node for the query. I believe writing parquet may still be the most heap-intensive operation in Drill, despite our efforts to refactor the write path to use direct memory instead of on-heap for large buffers needed in the process of creating
parquet files.

On Thu, May 28, 2015 at 8:43 AM, Matt <> wrote:

Is 300MM records too much to do in a single CTAS statement?

After almost 23 hours I killed the query (^c) and it returned:

| Fragment  | Number of records written  |
| 1_20      | 13568824                   |
| 1_15      | 12411822                   |
| 1_7       | 12470329                   |
| 1_12      | 13693867                   |
| 1_5       | 13292136                   |
| 1_18      | 13874321                   |
| 1_16      | 13303094                   |
| 1_9       | 13639049                   |
| 1_10      | 13698380                   |
| 1_22      | 13501073                   |
| 1_8       | 13533736                   |
| 1_2       | 13549402                   |
| 1_21      | 13665183                   |
| 1_0       | 13544745                   |
| 1_4       | 13532957                   |
| 1_19      | 12767473                   |
| 1_17      | 13670687                   |
| 1_13      | 13469515                   |
| 1_23      | 12517632                   |
| 1_6       | 13634338                   |
| 1_14      | 13611322                   |
| 1_3       | 13061900                   |
| 1_11      | 12760978                   |
23 rows selected (82294.854 seconds)

The sum of those record counts is 306,772,763 which is close to the
320,843,454 in the source file:

0: jdbc:drill:zk=es05:2181> select count(*) FROM root.`sample_201501.dat`;
|   EXPR$0   |
| 320843454  |
1 row selected (384.665 seconds)

It represents one month of data, 4 key columns and 38 numeric measure columns, which could also be partitioned daily. The test here was to create monthly Parquet files to see how the min/max stats on Parquet chunks help
with range select performance.

Instead of a small number of large monthly RDBMS tables, I am attempting to determine how many Parquet files should be used with Drill / HDFS.

On 27 May 2015, at 15:17, Matt wrote:

Attempting to create a Parquet backed table with a CTAS from an 44GB tab
delimited file in HDFS. The process seemed to be running, as CPU and IO was seen on all 4 nodes in this cluster, and .parquet files being created in
the expected path.

In however in the last two hours or so, all nodes show near zero CPU or IO, and the Last Modified date on the .parquet have not changed. Same time delay shown in the Last Progress column in the active fragment profile.

What approach can I take to determine what is happening (or not)?

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