On Tue, Oct 27, 2015 at 1:55 AM, Assaf Lowenstein <as...@totango.com> wrote:

> Hi,
> I'm trying to setup a drill server, running in embedded mode, so users will
> be able to access a centralized location and I need assistance/confirmation
> on the following:
>    1. As it's a server, I need it to run Drill as daemon or other similar
>    method.

You shouldn't be running Drill in embedded mode if you want to run as a
daemon. You should install ZooKeeper on the node, run "zkServer start" to
start ZooKeeper, and then start Drill with "bin/drillbit.sh start"

> Everything I tried didn't work except using *screen. *Please
>    confirm that using screen is ok and functionality doesn't regress as a
>    result.
>    2. When trying to run
> create table dfs.tmp.`tableName` as select * from
> dfs.`/mnt/drill-work/XXX/XXX/*.gz`;  (gz holds json files)
> I'm getting:
> org.apache.drill.common.exceptions.UserRemoteException: VALIDATION ERROR:
> From line 1, column 48 to line 1, column 91: Table
> '/mnt/drill-work/XXX/XXX/*.gz' not found [Error Id:
> 87c77937-c3c9-4d42-80c3-20d7de6738eb on XXX.XXX.com:XXX]
> the files definitely exist in /mnt/drill-work/XXX/XXX/*.gz.
> Question is, does drill go to the server /mnt/drill-work or does it look
> for it in on the client (laptop)? I'm using the web UI interface.

The paths are on the server, not your laptop.

> Thinking that maybe Drill is looking at my laptop and not on the server, I
> was trying to change dfs storage definitions but I noticed that the update
> button doesn't work (!) so effectively I cannot make changes to the
> storage definitions.

Can you try to query a single JSON file, uncompressed, and make sure that
works for you. Then, gzip that single file, and make sure you can query
that file. You'll want the extension of the file to be .json.gz. You can
place multiple .json.gz files in a directory, and then query that directory
SELECT * FROM dfs.`/mnt/drill-work/XXX/XXX/`

Does that work?

I'm not sure about multiple JSON files in a single gz file. I'm also not
sure you can use a wildcard like that. Can someone else comment on that?

> Thanks a lot!
> --
> *Assaf Lowenstein*, *QA Manager, Totango*
> http://www.totango.com | Contact me @ cell: +(972) 052-4235550

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