Hi, everyone, can anybody help to answer me a question.

I have used sparksql to create some table of parquet format.
And then I configured hive Storage Plugins,
But when I use drill do query on this table, some error occurs:

Error: SYSTEM ERROR: UnsupportedOperationException: Parquet does not support 
date. See HIVE-6384
Fragment 0:0

The drill version is 1.2.0.
So, now, drill don't support some types such as "date", isn't it?

select count(*) from call_center;

create external table call_center
    cc_call_center_sk         int               ,
    cc_call_center_id         string              ,
    cc_rec_start_date         date                          ,
    cc_rec_end_date           date                          ,
    cc_closed_date_sk         int                       ,
    cc_open_date_sk           int                       ,
    cc_name                   string                   ,
    cc_class                  string                   ,
    cc_employees              int                       ,
    cc_sq_ft                  int                       ,
    cc_hours                  string                      ,
    cc_manager                string                   ,
    cc_mkt_id                 int                       ,
    cc_mkt_class              string                      ,
    cc_mkt_desc               string                  ,
    cc_market_manager         string                   ,
    cc_division               int                       ,
    cc_division_name          string                   ,
    cc_company                int                       ,
    cc_company_name           string                      ,
    cc_street_number          string                      ,
    cc_street_name            string                   ,
    cc_street_type            string                      ,
    cc_suite_number           string                      ,
    cc_city                   string                   ,
    cc_county                 string                   ,
    cc_state                  string                       ,
    cc_zip                    string                      ,
    cc_country                string                   ,
    cc_gmt_offset             float                  ,
    cc_tax_percentage         float
)row format delimited fields terminated by "|"
location '/user/wf/warehouse/tpcds_500g_paquet.db/call_center' ;

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