Hi all,

first, a few general questions:

   - Can you recommend using Mondrian with Drill in general?
   - How about maturity and stability?
   - What has been tested under which scenario?

I can across the Drill-Test Framework (
) and the Mondrian tests. Is this the "recommended" test suite to test
Mondrian with Drill?


A few further questions according the test framework:

   - How have the test queries been generated?
      - Is there any relationship to the Mondrian tests in
      https://github.com/pentaho/mondrian/tree/master/testsrc ?
   - How is the status of the tests in the test framework?
   - Is it reasonable to execute the queries against Drill that is
   configured to access a PostgreSQL (equipped with the foodmart database) via
   the JDBC Storage Plugin ?

Many thanks in advance

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