Can you please post the explain plan output?


My understanding is that Drill should return ID, ID0, in case there
are naming conflicts in the output columns. If it's not working that
way, that's a bug and we need figure out what went wrong.


On Mon, Apr 4, 2016 at 11:18 PM, Sanjiv Kumar <> wrote:
> Hello
>       I am facing problem in executing join query. My Scenario is :-
> I am having two tables and I am joining those tables in a join query with
> same storage plugin. Those two tables has column with same name and same
> datatype (ID int). And I am selecting both the ID columns from both tables.
> Now the problem I am facing is only one ID column has data and the second
> ID column has null value in the output. If I am using different storage
> plugin for the tables in the same query the output is coming fine.
>  EXAMPLE:- I am posting mysql db query :
>    TABLE 1->
> create table Reports (ID bigint primary key, Name varchar(25));
> insert into Reports values (29, 'MySqlThree');
> insert into Reports values (30, 'MySqlTwo');
> insert into Reports values (31, 'MySqlThree');
> TABLE 2->
> CREATE TABLE ReportSetting
> ( P_id bigint  primary key, Name varchar(25), ID bigint, CONSTRAINT fk_ID
> **NOTE(Here i am making ID as foreign key)**.
> insert into ReportSetting values (1,'My_Sreekant1', 29);
> insert into ReportSetting values (2,'My_Sreekant2', 30);
> insert into ReportSetting values (3,'My_Sreekant3', 31);
> select * from MySql.test_mopslive.reports as Reports join
> MySql.test_mopslive.reportsetting as ReportSetting on Reports.ID =
> ReportSetting.ID
> **(test_mopslive= STORAGE PLUGIN)**
> Now I want to use same storage plugin for both the tables. So please
> suggest me the solution for this problem. Thanks in advance.

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