
Not sure I fully get the picture on your data, but you may want to see if 
pointing at the first element in an array and looking for nulls works in your 
I have used that in the past to eliminate records or elements from the result 
set in a subquery.

Perhaps try something like this

SELECT par.check 
FROM <workspace.dir>
WHERE par.check.detections.list[0] IS NOT NULL

FLATTEN may be very expensive for sparsely populated data. Might be good to 
capture statistics and file a JIRA to see if the function can be optimized for 
this use case.


> On May 17, 2016, at 5:54 PM, Joe Harris <> wrote:
> I'm querying parquet data which contains large numbers of empty maps/arrays 
> that I'd like to eliminate from the query as early as possible. The events 
> I'm querying are very sparse in the data.
>> SELECT par.check.detections.list AS detections FROM 
>> `/my.parquet/year=2016/month=5` par LIMIT 10;
> 10 rows selected (3.157 seconds)
> +-----------------------------+
> | {"detections":{"list":[]}}  |
> +-----------------------------+
> I've tried to use the map directly but the query fails.
>> SELECT par.check AS check 
>> FROM `/my.parquet/year=2016/month=5` par
>> WHERE par.check <> '{"detections":{"list":[]}}' ;
> Error in expression at index -1.  Error: Missing function implementation: 
> [equal(MAP-REQUIRED, VARCHAR-REQUIRED)].  Full expression: --UNKNOWN 
> I get a similar result if I reference down to the empty array.
>> SELECT par.check.detections.list AS detections 
>> FROM `/my.parquet/year=2016/month=5` par
>> WHERE par.check.detections.list <> '[]' ;
> Error in expression at index -1.  Error: Missing function implementation: 
> [equal(MAP-REPEATED, VARCHAR-REQUIRED)].  Full expression: --UNKNOWN 
> I'm also unable to refer to an array element without using FLATTEN().
>> SELECT par.check.detections.list[0]
>> FROM `/my.parquet/year=2016/month=5` par;
> Error: Unexpected RuntimeException: java.lang.NullPointerException 
> (state=,code=0)
> When I use FLATTEN() it automatically eliminates empty arrays and query time 
> goes way up. It seems to be doing quite a bit of work on each empty array 
> before eliminating it.
>> SELECT  FLATTEN(par.check.detections.list) AS detections
>> FROM   `/my.parquet/year=2016/month=5` par
>> LIMIT 10;
> No rows selected (290.475 seconds)
> I can see in the docs that map and array are internal only data types that 
> aren't exposed to the user 
> ( Is 
> this on the roadmap somewhere to be added?
> Thanks,
> Joe

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