
I'm using Windows embedded to connect to S3, but am having querying using

The ODBC connection works (connection string below)

Using Drill Explorer (direct to Drillbit), I can see the files in
s3citibike.default, and view the data (see attached image) but  for some
reason I cannot see my files when using ODBC with another client such as

 I can query using sqline, for example the bellow returns the dataset

SELECT * FROM `s3citibike`.`default`.`./201307-citibike-tripdata.csv` LIMIT

I'm kind of guessing I'm just not specifying the folder path correctly, but
I've been looking around for a while, tried Catalog = DRILL, schema =
s3citibike.default, no avail.

I'd try the drill-jdbc-all-1.10.0.jar JDBC driver for my client, but
understand it doesn't work with embedded Windows

Can anyone see where I'm going wrong?

Thanks and regards,

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