So I think I addressed the first one with

select CASE when tbl.field.subfield[0] is null then '' else
tbl.field.subfield[0] end as myfield from table as tbl

That seems to work on small queries

but when I try to group by myfield I get

Error Returned - Code: 500
Error Text:
SYSTEM ERROR: NumberFormatException:

Which I am confused by because '' or the field isn't a number.. so not
sure how to troubleshoot this one either..


On Mon, Sep 25, 2017 at 1:14 PM, John Omernik <> wrote:

> So as a user, I got this
> Error Returned - Code: 500
> Error Text:
> SYSTEM ERROR: IllegalArgumentException: You tried to read a [RepeatedInt] 
> type when you are using a field reader of type [NullableIntReaderImpl].
> It's a JSON dataset, the record exists in some row, and not in others, but I 
> have no idea how to interpret this or how to handle it.  I feel like we 
> should try to curate error messages like this to help improve them for the 
> end user.
> John

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