Hi Houssem,

You should be able to query it using DFS plugin and S3 storage plugin ( I have 
not tried it with S3 plugin though). You can enable pcap format in storage 
plugin definition as given below.

"formats": {

  <other formats>,

  "pcap": { "type": "pcap" }


Also, it would be best to use Drill 1.12 that includes the fix for 
DRILL-5790<https://issues.apache.org/jira/browse/DRILL-5790> as per 
https://drill.apache.org/docs/apache-drill-1-12-0-release-notes/ .

I don't have any clue about using Drill with 'R Sergeant library' library. 
Hopefully, others can throw any lights on this question.



From: Houssem Hosni <houssem.ho...@lip6.fr>
Sent: Monday, February 5, 2018 9:18 PM
To: user@drill.apache.org
Subject: PCAP files with Apache Drill and Sergeant R

I am sending this mail with a hope to get some help from you.
I am working on making some analysis and prediction models on large pcap
Can Apache Drill with R Sergeant library help me in this context.
Actually the pcap files are so large (MAWI) and they are available on the
web(http://mawi.wide.ad.jp/mawi/samplepoint-F/2018/). I want to access
them via apache Drill and then make some analysis using Sergeant package
(R) that works well with Drill.
Should I bring those large MAWI pcap files on the web to Amazon S3 and
then access them with DRILL or is it possible to access them directly
without amazon storage ?
What steps should I start with ?
Plese HELP
Special THANKS in advance for considering my request.
Best regards,
Houssem Hosni
LIP6 - Sorbonne University
Place Jussieu, 75005 Paris.
Tel: (+0033)0644087200

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