I posted the following PR for this issue: 

Basically this PR does two things.
1.  It creates a boolean column called is_corrupt and
2.  If the PCAP file has a corrupt row, it marks that row as corrupt by setting 
is_corrupt to true and keeps going

WIth the example from Giovanni, I was able to find 590 or so corrupt rows out 
of 7000 in that PCAP file.  It was late and I don’t know if that was what ti 
was supposed to find, but it worked and was able to query that.   If you guys 
could send a few more examples, I’d like to test this on other files to make 
sure it works with them.  We’re also going to have to do the same thing for the 
PCAP-NG format I would assume.

> On Feb 10, 2019, at 03:07, Ted Dunning <> wrote:
> On Sat, Feb 9, 2019 at 2:25 PM Bob Rudis <> wrote:
>> ...
>> And, I did indeed find a few and am just waiting for a formal review so I
>> can submit them for the Drill dev & tests.
> Awesome!

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