Would it be too slow to do the dsl replacements before anything else? What I mean is, first sweep the whole drl, replacing all dsl statements...nevermind. That wouldn't work, since strings might appear in comments or java blocks that might look like a dsl token but isn't.

Yeah, I like the "don't worry about it right now" idea.  :)

On Thu, 04 May 2006 20:02:07 -0400, Michael Neale <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

yes, that was a challenge... basically had to "reparse" things when a DSL
expression is happened upon, and track line numbers etc... took a while.
What I am thinking is to have the DSL step as a nested parser using simple rules - this means it can very quickly convert the rules into the native one (this has the added debug advantage of being able to switch between DSL view
and normal view possibly), whereby the usual parser does its thing - in
short, I would say don't worry about the DSLs to start with, they can be
added on later.

On 5/4/06, Russ Egan <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

I just discovered that there's a groovy plugin for idea that uses antlr as
the scanner and parser, so I'm hoping I can use that as a model for drl
files.  Not sure how I'll do the dsl though *shiver*.

On Wed, 03 May 2006 21:07:43 -0400, Michael Neale

> yes eclipse works by having partitioners, and scanners... its not really > parsing, but its meant to be fast and fault tolerant, so that the editor

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