you can only use the field bound immediately before the predicate. You could use any other previously bound variables.
In future versions, this will be relaxed (and in fact, predicates will be much more intuitive).

Also, I added BigDecimal support for a future release, so you can use literals for big decimals/integers without thinking about it. But I can't remember if I did it in trunk or 3.0.x latest ;) (definately in trunk though).

So yes, this is slightly painful, and we are doing lots to make this much smoother/more expressive.


On 11/1/06, Geoffrey Wiseman <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
On 11/1/06, Steven Williams <[EMAIL PROTECTED] > wrote:
I am guessing price and simpleMovingAverage are both properties of StockOffer? If so the easiest way to compare is

   offer : StockOffer( p : price, sma : simpleMovingAverage )
   eval(p >= sma)

multiple columns cannot currently be used in comparisons against each other or in predicates.

Could you use multiple columns in a predicate if one is bound to a $var?  I thought I'd seen that usage, but ... I could easily be wrong.  :)

  - Geoffrey
Geoffrey Wiseman

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