Sorry, i was out for lunch. Maybe the problem is that sessionID is a String?

public abstract class Parent{
  private Date eventDate;
  private EventType eventType;
  private String sessionId;

public Parent() { }

public class SourceA extends Parent{
  private Boolean outboundMessage;
  private String soapMessage;

public SourceA () {

public class SourceB extends Parent{
  private Integer id;
  private String username;

public SourceB () {

Am 09.02.2016 um 12:06 schrieb Till Rohrmann:

Could you share the code for your types |SourceA| and |SourceB|. It seems as if Flink does not recognize them to be POJOs because he assigned them the |GenericType| type. Either there is something wrong with the type extractor or your implementation does not fulfil the requirements for POJOs, as indicated by Chiwan.



On Tue, Feb 9, 2016 at 11:53 AM, Dominique Rondé < <>> wrote:

    The fields in SourceA and SourceB are private but have public
    getters and setters. The classes provide an empty and public

    Am 09.02.2016 11:47 schrieb "Chiwan Park" <

        Oh, the fields in SourceA have public getters. Does the fields
        in SourceA have public setter? SourceA needs public setter for
        private fields.

        Chiwan Park

        > On Feb 9, 2016, at 7:45 PM, Chiwan Park
        < <>> wrote:
        > Hi Dominique,
        > It seems that `SourceA` is not dealt as POJO. Are all fields
        in SourceA public? There are some requirements for POJO
        classes [1].
        > [1]:
        > Regards,
        > Chiwan Park
        >> On Feb 9, 2016, at 7:42 PM, Dominique Rondé
        <>> wrote:
        >> Hi  folks,
        >> i try to join two datasets containing some PoJos. Each PoJo
        inherit a field "sessionId" from the parent class. The field
        is private but has a public getter.
        >> The join is like this:
        >> DataSet<Tuple2<SourceA,SourceB>> joinedDataSet =
        >> But the result is the following execption:
        >> Exception in thread "main"
        org.apache.flink.api.common.InvalidProgramException: This type
        (GenericType<x.y.z.service.eventstore.dto.SourceA>) cannot be
        used as key.
        >>    at$ExpressionKeys.<init>(
        >>    at$JoinOperatorSets.where(
        >>    at
        >> I spend some time with google around but I don't get an
        idea what is wrong. I hope some of you can give me a hint...
        >> Greets
        >> Dominique

Dominique Rondé | Senior Consultant

codecentric AG | Kreuznacherstrasse 30 | 60486 Frankfurt | Deutschland
mobil: +49 (0) 172.7182592 | | |

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