Hi Nico,

- how do you run the job?  
       >> If we run same program in flink local then it works fine. For
flink local we used command line
          mvn package exec:java
--broker=" -Pflink-runner

       When we use flink cluster and submit jar using web UI then we are
getting exception. like below

     Exception : 

- how do you add/include the jar with the missing class? 
       >> We are generating the linked jar using the maven-jar-plugin. And
in the bundled jar all the protobuf generated class exist. There is no
missing class. 

- is that jar file part of your program's jar or separate? 
       >> since we are using the jar-plugin, the protobuf jar is also part
of the generated jar.

- is the missing class, i.e. "com.huawei.ccn.intelliom.ims.MeasurementTable
$measurementTable" (an inner class starting in lower-case?), really in the
file? It might be a wrongly generated protobuf class ...
   >> sub Class is exit in Protobuf generated class. Please find the
attached class.


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