For the documents I would recommend reading through:

On Fri, Dec 21, 2018, 9:55 PM Tzu-Li (Gordon) Tai <

> Hi,
> Yes, if Flink does not recognize your registered state type, it will by
> default use Kryo for the serialization.
> And generally speaking, Kryo does not have good support for evolvable
> schemas compared to other serialization frameworks such as Avro or Protobuf.
> The reason why Flink defaults to Kryo for unrecognizable types has some
> historical reasons due to the original use of Flink's type serialization
> stack being used on the batch side, but IMO the short answer is that it
> would make sense to have a different default serializer (perhaps Avro) for
> snapshotting state in streaming programs.
> However, I believe this would be better suited as a separate discussion
> thread.
> The good news is that with Flink 1.7, state schema evolution is fully
> supported out of the box for Avro types, such as GenericRecord or code
> generated SpecificRecords.
> If you want to have evolvable schema for your state types, then it is
> recommended to use Avro as state types.
> Support for evolving schema of other data types such as POJOs and Scala
> case classes is also on the radar for future releases.
> Does this help answer your question?
> By the way, the slides your are looking at I would consider quite outdated
> for the topic, since Flink 1.7 was released with much smoother support for
> state schema evolution.
> An updated version of the slides is not yet publicly available, but if you
> want I can send you one privately.
> Otherwise, the Flink docs for 1.7 would also be equally helpful.
> Cheers,
> Gordon
> On Fri, Dec 21, 2018, 8:11 PM Padarn Wilson < wrote:
>> Hi all,
>> I am trying to understand the situation with state serialization in
>> flink. I'm looking at a number of sources, but slide 35 from here
>> crystalizes my confusion:
>> So, I understand that if 'Flink's own serialization stack' is unable to
>> serialize a type you define, then it will fall back on Kryo generics. In
>> this case, I believe what I'm being told is that state compatibility is
>> difficult to ensure, and schema evolution in your jobs is not possible.
>> However on this slide, they say
>> "
>>        Kryo is generally not  recommended ...
>>        Serialization frameworks with schema evolution support is
>> recommended: Avro,         Thrift
>> "
>> So is this implying that Flink's non-default serialization stack does not
>> support schema evolution? In this case is it best practice to register
>> custom serializers whenever possible.
>> Thanks
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