For 1. you need to setup high-availability.jobmanager.port as a predefined
port in your flink-conf.yaml and expose the port via job-manager-deployment
and job-manager-service resources as well. That should do the trick.

For 2. I am not sure of the timelines, but there are a few decent/not hacky
workarounds to get around the problem, mentioned in the comments. Feel free
to pick one to unblock yourselves.


*Success is not final, failure is not fatal: it is the courage to continue
that counts. *
*- Winston Churchill - *

On Sat, Jan 26, 2019 at 5:39 AM Vishal Santoshi <>

> There are we issues with 1.7.1 "job as a cluster" set up that I need
> guidance on
> 1. In HA set up, the TMs are not able to resolve the job manager's random
> port through the jobmanager.rpc.port
> <>
> setting.  The setting does work in  the  non HA mode ( The containerPort
> /TCP with the same port facilitates that ), but then we loose the  job if
> the JM was to reboot. This is a high priority for us and I am sure there is
> a work around but I rather ask the experts.
> 2. The metrics on JM are not visible possibly due to
> . It is an open issue
> and both a service per TM and stateful set approach appear non production
> ready (not scalable and kludgey ). Do you have a time line when these will
> be resolved.
> Thanks.
> Vishal

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