
If no other TaskManager (TM) is running, you can delete everything. If
multiple TMs share the same host, as far as I know, you will have to parse
logs to know what directories you can delete [1]. As for local recovery,
that were running on a crashed TM are lost. From the documentation [2]:

    If a task manager is lost, the local state from all its task is lost.

Therefore, assuming that only one TM is running on each host, you can delete



On Thu, Mar 7, 2019 at 10:45 PM Derek VerLee <derekver...@gmail.com> wrote:

> I think that effort is put in to have task managers clean up their
> folders, however I have noticed that in some cases local folders are not
> cleaned up and can build up, eventually causing problems due to a full
> disk.  As far as I know this only happens with crashes and other
> out-of-happy-path scenarios.
> I am thinking of writing a script to clean up local folders that runs
> before task-manager starts between restarts in the case of a crash.
> Assuming local recovery is not configured, what should I delete and what
> should I leave around?
> What should I keep if local recovery is configured?
> Under the "taskmanager.tmp.dirs" I see:
> blobStore-*
> flink-dist-cache-*
> flink-io-*
> localState/*
> rocksdb-lib-*
> Thanks

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