I’ve been running Flink in production on EMR (YARN) for some time and have 
found the metrics system to be quite useful, but there is one specific case 
where I’m missing a signal for this scenario:

  *   When a job has been submitted, but YARN does not have enough resources to 


  *   Job is in RUNNING state
  *   All of the tasks for the job are in the (I believe) DEPLOYING state

Is there a way to access these as metrics for monitoring the number of tasks in 
each state for a given job (image below)? The metric I’m currently using is the 
number of running jobs, but it misses this “unhealthy” scenario. I realize that 
I could use application-level metrics (record counts, etc) as a proxy for this, 
but I’m working on providing a streaming platform and need all of my monitoring 
to be application agnostic.

I can’t find anything on it in the documentation.


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