Hi Xintong,
Thank you for the quick response.
doing 1), without increasing  'task.off-heap.size'  does not change the
issue, but increasing the off-heap alone does.
What should the off-heap value size be? Since changing off-heap removes
memory from '.task.heap.size' is there a ratio that I should follow for
better performance?
Also, my guess (since I am dealing with big datasets) is that the more
'.flink.size' I provide the better. Is that correct? Or will it add extra
'overhead' that could slow down my computations? In this particular
cluster, since every Machine has 252 total DRAM and worst case scenario
180GB is free to use, should I just say .flink.size: 180g?

Thank you very much and sorry if i'm asking silly questions.
Dimitris Vogiatzidakis

On Sun, Jun 28, 2020 at 5:25 AM Xintong Song <tonysong...@gmail.com> wrote:

> Hi Dimitris,
> Regarding your questions.
> a) For standalone clusters, the recommended way is to use `.flink.size`
> rather than `.process.size`. `.process.size` includes JVM metaspace and
> overhead in addition to `.flink.size`, which usually do not really matter
> for standalone clusters.
> b) In case of direct OOMs, you should increase
> `taskmanager.memory.task.off-heap.size`. There's no fraction for that.
> c) Your understanding is correct. And you can also specify the absolute
> network memory size by setting the min and max to the same value.
> Here are my suggestions according to what you described.
>    1. Since both off-heap and network memory seems insufficient, I would
>    suggest to increase `taskmanager.memory.flink.size` to give your task
>    managers more memory in total.
>    2. If 1) does not work, I would suggest not to set the total memory
>    (means configure neither `.flink.size` nor `process.size`), but go for the
>    fine grained configuration where explicitly specify the individual memory
>    components. Flink will automatically add them up to derive the total 
> memory.
>       1. In addition to `.task.off-heap.size` and `.network.[min|max]`,
>       you will also need to set `.task.heap.size` and `managed.size`.
>       2. If you don't know how many heap/managed memory to configure, you
>       can look for the configuration options in the beginning of the TM logs
>       (`-Dkey=value`). Those are the values derived from your current
>       configuration.
> Thank you~
> Xintong Song
> On Sat, Jun 27, 2020 at 10:56 PM Dimitris Vogiatzidakis <
> dimitrisvogiatzida...@gmail.com> wrote:
>> Hello,
>> I'm having a bit of trouble understanding the memory configuration on
>> flink.
>> I'm using flink10.0.0 to read some datasets of edges and extract
>> features. I run this on a cluster consisting of 4 nodes , with 32cores and
>> 252GB Ram each, and hopefully I could expand this as long as I can add
>> extra nodes to the cluster.
>> So regarding the configuration file (flink-conf.yaml).
>> a) I can't understand when should I use process.size and when
>> .flink.size.
>> b) From the detailed memory model I understand that Direct memory is
>> included in both of flink and process size, however if I don't specify
>> off-heap.task.size I get
>> " OutOfMemoryError: Direct buffer memory " .  Also should I change
>> off-heap.fraction as well?
>> c)When I fix this, I get network buffers error, which if I understand
>> correctly,  flink.size * network fraction , should be between min and max.
>> I can't find the 'perfect' configuration regarding my setup. What is the
>> optimal way to use the system I have currently?
>> Thank you for your time.

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