
On Mon, Jul 6, 2020 at 10:43 PM Chesnay Schepler <> wrote:

> Are you running Flink is WSL by chance?
> On 06/07/2020 19:06, Manish G wrote:
> In flink-conf.yaml:
> *metrics.reporter.prom.port: 9250-9260*
> This is based on information provided here
> <>
> *port - (optional) the port the Prometheus exporter listens on, defaults
> to 9249
> <>.
> In order to be able to run several instances of the reporter on one host
> (e.g. when one TaskManager is colocated with the JobManager) it is
> advisable to use a port range like 9250-9260.*
> As I am running flink locally, so both jobmanager and taskmanager are
> colocated.
> In prometheus.yml:
> *- job_name: 'flinkprometheus'     scrape_interval: 5s     static_configs:
>       - targets: ['localhost:9250', 'localhost:9251']     metrics_path: /*
> This is the whole configuration I have done based on several tutorials and
> blogs available online.
> On Mon, Jul 6, 2020 at 10:20 PM Chesnay Schepler <>
> wrote:
>> These are all JobManager metrics; have you configured prometheus to also
>> scrape the task manager processes?
>> On 06/07/2020 18:35, Manish G wrote:
>> The metrics I see on prometheus is like:
>> # HELP flink_jobmanager_job_lastCheckpointRestoreTimestamp 
>> lastCheckpointRestoreTimestamp (scope: jobmanager_job)
>> # TYPE flink_jobmanager_job_lastCheckpointRestoreTimestamp gauge
>> flink_jobmanager_job_lastCheckpointRestoreTimestamp{job_id="58483036154d7f72ad1bbf10eb86bc2e",host="localhost",job_name="frauddetection",}
>>  -1.0
>> # HELP flink_jobmanager_job_numberOfFailedCheckpoints 
>> numberOfFailedCheckpoints (scope: jobmanager_job)
>> # TYPE flink_jobmanager_job_numberOfFailedCheckpoints gauge
>> flink_jobmanager_job_numberOfFailedCheckpoints{job_id="58483036154d7f72ad1bbf10eb86bc2e",host="localhost",job_name="frauddetection",}
>>  0.0
>> # HELP flink_jobmanager_Status_JVM_Memory_Heap_Max Max (scope: 
>> jobmanager_Status_JVM_Memory_Heap)
>> # TYPE flink_jobmanager_Status_JVM_Memory_Heap_Max gauge
>> flink_jobmanager_Status_JVM_Memory_Heap_Max{host="localhost",} 1.029177344E9
>> # HELP flink_jobmanager_Status_JVM_GarbageCollector_PS_MarkSweep_Count Count 
>> (scope: jobmanager_Status_JVM_GarbageCollector_PS_MarkSweep)
>> # TYPE flink_jobmanager_Status_JVM_GarbageCollector_PS_MarkSweep_Count gauge
>> flink_jobmanager_Status_JVM_GarbageCollector_PS_MarkSweep_Count{host="localhost",}
>>  2.0
>> # HELP flink_jobmanager_Status_JVM_CPU_Time Time (scope: 
>> jobmanager_Status_JVM_CPU)
>> # TYPE flink_jobmanager_Status_JVM_CPU_Time gauge
>> flink_jobmanager_Status_JVM_CPU_Time{host="localhost",} 8.42E9
>> # HELP flink_jobmanager_Status_JVM_Memory_Direct_TotalCapacity TotalCapacity 
>> (scope: jobmanager_Status_JVM_Memory_Direct)
>> # TYPE flink_jobmanager_Status_JVM_Memory_Direct_TotalCapacity gauge
>> flink_jobmanager_Status_JVM_Memory_Direct_TotalCapacity{host="localhost",} 
>> 604064.0
>> # HELP flink_jobmanager_job_fullRestarts fullRestarts (scope: jobmanager_job)
>> # TYPE flink_jobmanager_job_fullRestarts gauge
>> flink_jobmanager_job_fullRestarts{job_id="58483036154d7f72ad1bbf10eb86bc2e",host="localhost",job_name="frauddetection",}
>>  0.0
>> On Mon, Jul 6, 2020 at 9:51 PM Chesnay Schepler <>
>> wrote:
>>> You've said elsewhere that you do see some metrics in prometheus, which
>>> are those?
>>> Why are you configuring the host for the prometheus reporter? This
>>> option is only for the PrometheusPushGatewayReporter.
>>> On 06/07/2020 18:01, Manish G wrote:
>>> Hi,
>>> So I have following in flink-conf.yml :
>>> //////////////////////////////////////////////////////
>>> metrics.reporter.prom.class:
>>> org.apache.flink.metrics.prometheus.PrometheusReporter
>>> metrics.reporter.prom.port: 9999
>>> metrics.reporter.slf4j.class:
>>> org.apache.flink.metrics.slf4j.Slf4jReporter
>>> metrics.reporter.slf4j.interval: 30 SECONDS
>>> //////////////////////////////////////////////////////
>>> And while I can see custom metrics in Taskmanager logs, but prometheus
>>> dashboard logs doesn't show custom metrics.
>>> With regards
>>> On Mon, Jul 6, 2020 at 8:55 PM Chesnay Schepler <>
>>> wrote:
>>>> You have explicitly configured a reporter list, resulting in the slf4j
>>>> reporter being ignored:
>>>> 2020-07-06 13:48:22,191 INFO
>>>> org.apache.flink.configuration.GlobalConfiguration            - Loading
>>>> configuration property: metrics.reporters, prom
>>>> 2020-07-06 13:48:23,203 INFO
>>>> org.apache.flink.runtime.metrics.ReporterSetup                - Excluding
>>>> reporter slf4j, not configured in reporter list (prom).
>>>> Note that nowadays metrics.reporters is no longer required; the set of
>>>> reporters is automatically determined based on configured properties; the
>>>> only use-case is disabling a reporter without having to remove the entire
>>>> configuration.
>>>> I'd suggest to just remove the option, try again, and report back.
>>>> On 06/07/2020 16:35, Chesnay Schepler wrote:
>>>> Please enable debug logging and search for warnings from the metric
>>>> groups/registry/reporter.
>>>> If you cannot find anything suspicious, you can also send the foll log
>>>> to me directly.
>>>> On 06/07/2020 16:29, Manish G wrote:
>>>> Job is an infinite streaming one, so it keeps going. Flink
>>>> configuration is as:
>>>> metrics.reporter.slf4j.class:
>>>> org.apache.flink.metrics.slf4j.Slf4jReporter
>>>> metrics.reporter.slf4j.interval: 30 SECONDS
>>>> On Mon, Jul 6, 2020 at 7:57 PM Chesnay Schepler <>
>>>> wrote:
>>>>> How long did the job run for, and what is the configured interval?
>>>>> On 06/07/2020 15:51, Manish G wrote:
>>>>> Hi,
>>>>> Thanks for this.
>>>>> I did the configuration as mentioned at the link(changes in
>>>>> flink-conf.yml, copying the jar in lib directory), and registered the 
>>>>> Meter
>>>>> with metrics group and invoked markEvent() method in the target code. But 
>>>>> I
>>>>> don't see any related logs.
>>>>> I am doing this all on my local computer.
>>>>> Anything else I need to do?
>>>>> With regards
>>>>> Manish
>>>>> On Mon, Jul 6, 2020 at 5:24 PM Chesnay Schepler <>
>>>>> wrote:
>>>>>> Have you looked at the SLF4J reporter?
>>>>>> On 06/07/2020 13:49, Manish G wrote:
>>>>>> > Hi,
>>>>>> >
>>>>>> > Is it possible to log Flink metrics in application logs apart from
>>>>>> > publishing it to Prometheus?
>>>>>> >
>>>>>> > With regards

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