Hello Alexey,

I think you need FileSystemBlobStore as you are implementing HA Services,
and BLOBs should be highly available too.
However, I'm a bit concerned about the direction in general: it essentially
means re-implementing ZK functionality on top of FS.
What are the motivation and the use case?


On Fri, Aug 28, 2020 at 5:15 PM Alexey Trenikhun <yen...@msn.com> wrote:

> Hello,
> I'm thinking about implementing FileSystemHaServices - single leader, but
> persistent RunningJobRegistry, CheckpointIDCounter,
> CompletedCheckpointStore and JobGraphStore. I'm not sure do you need
> FileSystemBlobStore or VoidBlobStore is enough. Can't figure out, should
> BlobStore survive JobManager crash. I see that ZookeeperHaServices use 
> FileSystemBlobStore,
> but not clear is to due to having multiple JobManagers (leader + follower)
> or necessity to preserve BLOBs on restart.
> Thanks,
> Alexey

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