Hi Claude,
thanks for reaching out to the Flink community. Could you provide the Flink
logs for this run to get a better understanding of what's going on?
Additionally, what exact Flink 1.12 version are you using? Did you also
verify that the snapshot was created by checking the actual folder?


On Wed, Mar 31, 2021 at 4:56 AM Claude M <claudemur...@gmail.com> wrote:

> Hello,
> I have Flink setup as an Application Cluster in Kubernetes, using Flink
> version 1.12.  I created a savepoint using the curl command and the status
> indicated it was completed.  I then tried to relaunch the job from that
> save point using the following arguments as indicated in the doc found
> here:
> https://ci.apache.org/projects/flink/flink-docs-master/docs/deployment/resource-providers/standalone/kubernetes
> args: ["standalone-job", "--job-classname", "<class-name>", "--job-id",
> "<job-id>", "--fromSavepoint", "s3://<bucket>/<folder>",
> "--allowNonRestoredState"]
> After the job launches, I check the offsets and they are not the same as
> when the savepoint was created.  The job id passed in also does not match
> the job id that was launched.  I even put an incorrect savepoint path to
> see what happens and there were no errors in the logs and the job still
> launches.  It seems these arguments are not even being evaluated.  Any
> ideas about this?
> Thanks

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