Yes, that's a known risk. Indeed it would be awesome if the REST API would
be published also using some format that allow automatic client generation
(like swagger or openapi). Also release an official client could be an
option otherwise...I think that it's very annoying to write a client from
I'll continue to use RestClusterClient until it works..

On Fri, Apr 23, 2021 at 2:48 PM Yun Gao <> wrote:

> Hi Flavio,
> Got that, from my view I think RestClusterClient might not be viewed as
> public API,
> and might be change between version, thus it might need to be careful when
> upgrading.
> Best,
> Yun
> ------------------Original Mail ------------------
> *Sender:*Flavio Pompermaier <>
> *Send Date:*Fri Apr 23 16:10:05 2021
> *Recipients:*Yun Gao <>
> *CC:*gaurav kulkarni <>, User <
> *Subject:*Re: Re: Official flink java client
>> Obviously I could rewrite a java client from scratch that interface with
>> the provided REST API but why if I can reuse something already existing?
>> Usually I interface with REST API using auto generated clients (if APIs
>> are exposed via Swagger or OpenApi).
>> If that's not an option, writing a REST client from scratch is something
>> I try to avoid as much as I can..
>> Best,
>> Flavio
>> On Fri, Apr 23, 2021 at 9:55 AM Yun Gao <> wrote:
>>> Hi Falvio,
>>> Very thanks for the explanation, may be another option is to have a look
>>> at
>>> the http rest API[1] ? Flink provides official http api to submit jar
>>> jobs and query
>>> job status, and they might be able to help.
>>> Best,
>>> Yun
>>> [1]
>>> ------------------Original Mail ------------------
>>> *Sender:*Flavio Pompermaier <>
>>> *Send Date:*Fri Apr 23 15:25:55 2021
>>> *Recipients:*Yun Gao <>
>>> *CC:*gaurav kulkarni <>, User <
>>> *Subject:*Re: Official flink java client
>>>> I also interface to Flink clusters using REST in order to avoid many
>>>> annoying problems (due to dependency conflicts, classpath or env 
>>>> variables).
>>>> I use an extended version of the RestClusterClient that you can reuse
>>>> if you want to.
>>>> It is available at [1] and it add some missing methods to the default
>>>> Flink version (I also had to copy that class and modify the visibility of
>>>> some field in order to enable the extension).
>>>> Officially the Flink RestClusterClient is meant to be used for internal
>>>> use only but it actually work very well.
>>>> Best,
>>>> Flavio
>>>> [1]
>>>> On Fri, Apr 23, 2021 at 5:10 AM Yun Gao <> wrote:
>>>>> Hi gaurav,
>>>>> Logicall Flink client is bear inside the StreamExecutionEnvironment,
>>>>> and users could use the
>>>>> StreamExecutionEnvironment to execute their jobs. Could you share more
>>>>> about why you
>>>>> want to directly use the client?
>>>>> Best,
>>>>> Yun
>>>>> ------------------Original Mail ------------------
>>>>> *Sender:*gaurav kulkarni <>
>>>>> *Send Date:*Fri Apr 23 10:14:08 2021
>>>>> *Recipients:*User <>
>>>>> *Subject:*Official flink java client
>>>>>> Hi,
>>>>>> Is there any official flink client in java that's available? I came
>>>>>> across RestClusterClient
>>>>>> <>,
>>>>>> but I am not sure if its official
>>>>>> <>.
>>>>>> I can create my own client, but just wanted to check if there is anything
>>>>>> official available already that I can leverage.
>>>>>> Thanks,
>>>>>> Gaurav
>>>>>> Run already deployed job on Flink Cluster using RestClusterClient
>>>>>> I am trying to run already deployed job on Flink Cluster using Rest
>>>>>> request.I had success using a simple rest ...
>>>>>> <>

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