
The 1.13 release note 
(https://flink.apache.org/news/2021/05/03/release-1.13.0.html) mentions that we 
can set state.backend.rocksdb.latency-track-enabled to obtain some rockdb 
metrics with a marginal impact. However, I couldn't see 
state.backend.rocksdb.latency-track-enabled in 
 Based on this PR (https://github.com/apache/flink/pull/15091), it seems that 
state.backend.rocksdb.latency-track-enabled is related to 
state.backend.latency-track.keyed-state-enable? Or which option I should set 
for metrics with a marginal impact. However, I couldn't see. Thanks.

Best wishes,
Chen-Che Huang

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