
We are glad that you want to try out Flink, but if you would like to get
help you need to be a bit more specific. What are you exactly doing, and
what, on which step exactly and how is not working (including logs and/or
error messages) is necessary for someone to help you.

In terms of how to start, I would suggest starting with running the
WordCount example on your cluster [1]. This one assumes starting a small
cluster on your local machine. If you are interested in different methods
of running Flink cluster check docs -> deployment -> resource providers [2].

For developing a simple application and running it from your IDE please
take a look at this Fraud Detection with the DataStream API example [3].

Regarding the Pulsar connector, I don't know much about it, but there are a
couple of resources that I have found via simple search, that might
be helpful [4],[5]


[5] https://flink.apache.org/2021/01/07/pulsar-flink-connector-270.html

pt., 25 cze 2021 o 12:05 traef <tr...@wewatchyourwebsite.com> napisaƂ(a):

> I'm just starting with Flink. I've been trying all the examples online and
> none of them work.
> I am not a Java programmer but have been programming since 1982.
> I would like example code to read from a Pulsar topic and output to
> another Pulsar topic.
> Pulsar version 2.8.0
> Flink version 1.13.1
> Scala version 2.11
> Thank you in advance.

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