On Tue, May 03, 2022 at 01:00:42AM -0700, Mason Chen wrote:
> Hi ChangZhou,
> The warning log indicates that the metric was previously defined and so the
> runtime is handling the "duplicate" metric by ignoring it. This is
> typically a benign message unless you rely on this metric. Is it possible
> that you are using the same task name for different tasks? It would be
> defined by the `.name(...)` API in your job graph instantiation.
> Can you clarify what it means that your endpoint isn't working--some
> metrics missing, endpoint is timing out, etc.? Also, can you confirm from
> logs that the PrometheusReporter was created properly?

Endpoint isn't working means we got empty reply from Prometheus
endpoint. The following is our testing for taskmanager Prometheus

    curl localhost:9249
    curl: (52) Empty reply from server

We have the following log in taskmanager, so PrometheusReporter was
created properly.

    2022-05-03 01:48:16,678 INFO  
org.apache.flink.configuration.GlobalConfiguration           [] - Loading 
configuration property: metrics.reporter.prom.class, 
    2022-05-03 01:48:23,665 INFO  
org.apache.flink.metrics.prometheus.PrometheusReporter       [] - Started 
PrometheusReporter HTTP server on port 9249.
    2022-05-03 01:48:23,669 INFO  
org.apache.flink.runtime.metrics.MetricRegistryImpl          [] - Reporting 
metrics for reporter prom of type 

ChangZhuo Chen (陳昌倬) czchen@{czchen,debian}.org
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