On Tue, May 03, 2022 at 10:32:03AM +0200, Peter Schrott wrote:
> Hi!
> I also discovered problems with the PrometheusReporter on Flink 1.15.0,
> coming from 1.14.4. I already consulted the mailing list:
> https://lists.apache.org/thread/m8ohrfkrq1tqgq7lowr9p226z3yc0fgc
> I have not found the underlying problem or a solution to it.
> Actually, after re-checking, I see the same log WARNINGS as
> ChangZhou described.
> As I described, it seems to be an issue with my job. If no job, or an
> example job runs on the taskmanager the basic metrics work just fine. Maybe
> ChangZhou can confirm this?
> @ChangZhou what's your job setup? I am running a streaming SQL job, but
> also using data streams API to create the streaming environment and from
> that the table environment and finally using a StatementSet to execute
> multiple SQL statements in one job.

We are running a streaming application with low level API with
Kubernetes operator FlinkDeployment.

ChangZhuo Chen (陳昌倬) czchen@{czchen,debian}.org
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