Hey everyone,

I'm trying to redeploy an application using a savepoint. The new version of
the application has a few operators with new uids and a few operators with
the old uids. I'd like to keep the state for the old ones.

I passed the allowNonRestoredState flag (using Apache Kubernetes Operator
actually) and I can confirm that
"execution.savepoint.ignore-unclaimed-state" is "true" after that.

However, the application still fails with the following exception:

"java.lang.IllegalStateException: Failed to rollback to
checkpoint/savepoint s3p://<REDACTED>. Cannot map checkpoint/savepoint
state for operator d9ea0f9654a3395802138c72c1bfd35b to the new program,
because the operator is not available in the new program. If you want to
allow to skip this, you can set the --allowNonRestoredState option on the

Is there a situation where allowNonRestoredState may not work? Thanks.

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