> Can't programmers just code up migration tools to the current version of Kryo or whatever serialization platform you choose?

Well yes, if someone writes a tool to implement a reasonable migration path than we may be able to upgrade Kryo.
Until that happens we are blocked on upgrading Kryo.

> Versions older than 3.x aren't supposed to compile nor run correctly under Java 11+.

In fact our Java 17 support is currently blocked by an issue that we suspect is related to Kryo.

> I'd presume you would make a tool to upgrade files with Kryo persisted state in savepoints and checkpoints

That doesn't cover everything and may not necessarily be a viable approach.

Kryo is exposed a fair bit in our APIs (mistakes of the past...) so users that have custom Serializers might also have to change things.
Upgrading Kryo is thus also an API breaking change.

As for viability, such an approach implies taking down the application on one Flink version, converting the state, and restarting the job on a newer Flink version. This implies a certain amount of downtime for the application, which depending on the state size may just not be acceptable to a user. Having to migrate the savepoint and upgrading Flink at the same time is also not ideal since it makes the effort more complicated; being able to run the job on the same Flink version with a different Kryo version would make things easier, but that'd mean we have to be able to run 2 Kryo versions in parallel.

Something else to consider is when we already break everything to upgrade Kryo, then maybe things should be re-written such that upgrading Kryo isn't such a problem in the future; in essence reworking how Kryo is integrated into Flink.

That said, the v5 migration guide is quite interesting; specifically that Kryo offers a versioned jar.

On 09/02/2023 17:32, Clayton Wohl wrote:
What do you mean you are blocked? Can't programmers just code up migration tools to the current version of Kryo or whatever serialization platform you choose?

Can't you follow the Kryo migration guide that supports loading data serialized with Kryo v2 and reserializing with Kryo v5?

I'd presume you would make a tool to upgrade files with Kryo persisted state in savepoints and checkpoints, that would allow for users to register custom serializers. I also presume that new versions of Flink would politely refuse to start with old format state files and require the migration process to be completed.

Kryo v2 also pulls in objenesis v2.1 from 2013, before Java 8. Versions older than 3.x aren't supposed to compile nor run correctly under Java 11+.

On Thu, Feb 9, 2023 at 2:34 AM Chesnay Schepler <ches...@apache.org> wrote:

     > you can't reasonably stay on the 2015 version forever, refuse to
    adopt any of the updates or fixes in the 8 years since then, and
    reasonably expect things to continue to work well.

    We are well aware that Kryo is a ticking time bomb.

     > Is there any possibility a future release of Flink can upgrade
    to a
    recent version of Kryo serialization?

    Of course there is, but someone needs to figure out a way to do this
    without breaking everything or providing a reasonable upgrade path,
    which has been blocking us so far.

    On 09/02/2023 07:34, Clayton Wohl wrote:
    > I've noticed the latest Flink is using the Kryo serializer library
    > version 2.24.0 which is back from 2015!
    > The Kryo project is actively maintained, it's on version 5.4.0, so
    > 2.24.0 is really quite ancient. I presume the concern is
    > compatibility with persisted savepoints. That's a valid concern,
    > you can't reasonably stay on the 2015 version forever, refuse to
    > any of the updates or fixes in the 8 years since then, and
    > expect things to continue to work well.
    > Is there any possibility a future release of Flink can upgrade to a
    > recent version of Kryo serialization?

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