I am actually working on a patch for exactly this, refer to FLUME-1660

The patch is on review board right now, I fixed a corner case issue that came up with unit testing, but the implementation is not really to my satisfaction. If you are interested please have a look and add your opinion.


On 11/16/2012 01:16 PM, Mohit Anchlia wrote:
Another question I had was about rollover. What's the best way to rollover files in reasonable timeframe? For instance our path is YY/MM/DD/HH so every hour there is new file and the -1 hr is just sitting with .tmp and it takes sometimes even hour before .tmp is closed and renamed to .snappy. In this situation is there a way to tell flume to rollover files sooner based on some idle time limit?

On Thu, Nov 15, 2012 at 8:14 PM, Mohit Anchlia <mohitanch...@gmail.com <mailto:mohitanch...@gmail.com>> wrote:

    Thanks Mike it makes sense. Anyway I can help?

    On Thu, Nov 15, 2012 at 11:54 AM, Mike Percy <mpe...@apache.org
    <mailto:mpe...@apache.org>> wrote:

        Hi Mohit, this is a complicated issue. I've filed
        https://issues.apache.org/jira/browse/FLUME-1714 to track it.

        In short, it would require a non-trivial amount of work to
        implement this, and it would need to be done carefully. I
        agree that it would be better if Flume handled this case more
        gracefully than it does today. Today, Flume assumes that you
        have some job that would go and clean up the .tmp files as
        needed, and that you understand that they could be partially
        written if a crash occurred.


        On Sun, Nov 11, 2012 at 8:32 AM, Mohit Anchlia
        <mohitanch...@gmail.com <mailto:mohitanch...@gmail.com>> wrote:

            What we are seeing is that if flume gets killed either
            because of server failure or other reasons, it keeps
            around the .tmp file. Sometimes for whatever reasons .tmp
            file is not readable. Is there a way to rollover .tmp file
            more gracefully?

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