David Crossley wrote:
Pedro I. Sanchez wrote:


I've worked with the svn version of Forrest and I'd like to share some
comments on my experience so far.

Oh thank you. That is exactly what we need - feedback.
Also people testing 0.7-dev is helping to create a better release.

I also want to thank you, this is a very valuable contribution to the development of Forrest.

2. My site.xml file has the following:

<eventos href="eventos/index.html"/>

However, <a href="site:eventos" /> is rendered as the link
http://sello-propio.com/eventos/ which you can see in the front
page. Where did the "index.html" part go? This is annoying because while testing the site in my local hard drive (with
URLs like file:///path/to/build/site) these links give me
the list of files in the directory instead of the "index.html"
file I am expecting.

Basically, there seems to be the implicit assumption that the
web server will always figure out that index.html is the file
that has to be rendered. This is not always the case. In particular
several "embedded" web server don't have this logic built in
and require a explicit mention of the target file.

I wonder if this FAQ would address that issue:

This is a different issue, That FAQ is about changing the default page used if none is defined in the URL. In this case the page to be used has been defined in the HREF and therefore should be included in the link.

However, I have never seen this before, and a fresh-seed site shows that this functionality works correctly. Do:

mkdir fresh
cd fresh
forrest seed
forrest run

Note the links in this section, they correctly link to the named page, for example:

<a href="site:faq">site:faq</a>

generates the link:


Do you have another element in your site.xml called "eventos", that could be getting in the way?

If you change the site.xml entry to <eventos href="eventos/testing.html"/> what is the resultant link?

4. You will notice that the date in the top right of the pages is
the current date/time as of the moment you click to see each page.
This is supposed to be the "Published" date instead! (I removed
the "Publicado", in Spanish, because it is simply not working).

The server serving the pages doesn't have Java available. Could this
be the reason why I get this weird behaviour?

Perhaps there is a problem with your web server. When i request
HEAD of that document, it shows that there is no "Last-Modified"
header in the response.

To be clear, the last published time is taken from the LAST-MODIFIED header, if it is not present the current date/time is used. Note that it *should* be present, this is a config problem on your server.

Once again, thanks for your feedback. Being made aware of these issues is how we try and make sure Forrest works for everyone as intended. Without this feedback the devs cannot do their job properly. For all those lurkers here, you can contribute to Forrest directly simply by providing feedback like this.
