Pedro I. Sanchez wrote:
> David Crossley wrote:
> > Pedro I. Sanchez wrote:
> > >
> > > 3. Why do I get "2005 2005" in the copyright label? I have this
> > > in skinconf.xml
> > > 
> > >   <year>2005</year>
> > >   <vendor>Sello Propio.</vendor>
> > > 
> > > I'd like this to read "2004-2005" but if I put <year>2004-2005</year> I
> > > get "2004-2005 2004-2005". The skin always doubles up the content of the
> > > <year> :(
> > 
> > Strange. That configuration does not seem to be any different
> > to what we have for and it works for us.
> > 
> > You said that you copied the pelt skin and changed some things.
> > Perhaps you accidently added something to the stylesheets
> > when you were experimenting with changing the English terms.
> > Doing 'diff -r skins/sello-propio skins/pelt' will reveal your
> > changes.
> I just did a svn update on my local copy of Forrest. Then I run "forrest
> seed; forrest" in a clean, empty, directory. I get the "2005 2005"
> thing. You can see the result at

However, that does not prove anything - that will just merge any
changes that we might have recently made. You said that you created
a new skin. I reckon that that is where the problem might be.
Would you please do the diff command described above.

> > > 4. You will notice that the date in the top right of the pages is
> > > the current date/time as of the moment you click to see each page.
> > > This is supposed to be the "Published" date instead! (I removed
> > > the "Publicado", in Spanish, because it is simply not working).
> > > 
> > > The server serving the pages doesn't have Java available. Could this
> > > be the reason why I get this weird behaviour?
> > 
> > Perhaps there is a problem with your web server. When i request
> > HEAD of that document, it shows that there is no "Last-Modified"
> > header in the response.
> I have no control over the server. What exactly is required for this
> feature to work?

I notice that you are using the Apache HTTP Server, so send
your web guy to
