Bhatia Praveen, HCLT-Japan wrote:

> Hi,
>    I use forrest 0.6. I use eclipse and have written an ant script to start
> Forrest from ant through eclipse. (eg forrest run, forrest site etc). (The
> forrest
> 0.7 plugin for eclipse I have tried earlier, but decided to wait for
> The whole integeration to stabilize before using it it in my project....)

> I face problem in stopping the jetty server opened by 'forrest run' through
> ant in eclipse. The only end command that I 
> Can find is to to terminate the process in which eclipse has started
> Ant for 'forrest run'. This stops the ant script BUT does not stop the jetty
> As I can check that it is yet running in localhost://8888 inspite of the
> process 
> Being stopped.

> Is there a way to STOP the jetty server started by 'forrest run' through ant
> Script in eclipse?

> Thanks
> Praveen

I am using this dirty hack of calling

C:\WINDOWS\system32\taskkill.exe /F /IM java.exe

that works without me understanding why it doesn't bring down eclipse
as well. But it does.

The proper way might be to look at the jetty documentation on the web
There is a port that you can call to stop the server.

Ferdinand Soethe