Paterline, David L. schrieb:
Hello -

I'm a new user of Forrest, and am investigating its use as an interface for
our online computer code documentation. Unfortunately, we will need two
different 'views' of the site - one for internal users and a second, more
restricted version for external users.

We came across a similar situation, too.
Publishing for two (or more) different

Our "solution" has been to use different
project-specific sitemaps that tailor the
information passed on for each audience.
I guess this may be done with a plugin as

You will have to mark the parts that you
want to remove in some way. We have an
internal DTD which contains the necessary
semantic information (e.g. about versions).

I admitt this is a sub-optimal solution
but it uses the very same XML sources.

Hope this helps and points you in the right


Simply put, there will be some information (some links) which we only wish
to show to our internal users.

I'm hoping to be able to generate these two views without duplicating
information, to minimize maintenance cost and errors.

So, my question is, can I somehow mark certain portions of the information,
then do two builds - one for internal, with "include=all" and one for
external with "exclude=somestuff"?

Pointers to existing information or any other advice will be appreciated.

Thanks in advance.

David L. Paterline
Principal Engineer Westinghouse Electric Company
Nuclear Fuel Engineering
Engineering Computing
[EMAIL PROTECTED] PH: 412-374-2286
FX: 412-374-2284

User Interface Design GmbH * Teinacher Str. 38 * D-71634 Ludwigsburg
Fon +49 (0)7141 377 000 * Fax  +49 (0)7141 377 00-99
Geschäftsstelle: User Interface Design GmbH * Lehrer-Götz-Weg 11 * D-81825 München

Buch "User Interface Tuning" von Joachim Machate & Michael Burmester