Borut Bolčina wrote:
we must be running different versions. I am using 0.7.

No, as my subsequent mail said, I was being stupid and not reading my own docs properly - I'm rushing too much today, sorry.

Hopefully my subsequent pointer to more docs helps.

Section 2.17. How can I include HTML content that is not to be skinned by Forrest? at has an error - this XML excerpt is not well-formed. (map:select closing element name expected)

Thanks, I'll fix that.

Also, I don't think there is fresh-site target in 0.7.

Another symptom of my rushing I should have said "forrest seed".

I guess the directory with HTML which must not be skinned and displayed in the main area must reside in some special location???

No, but it does need to be where you tell Forrest to look...

Maybe the match pattern isn't right?

It is not...

    <map:match pattern="news/**.html">
     <map:select type="exists">
      <map:when test="{project:content}{1}.html">
        <map:read src="{project:content}{1}.html" mime-type="text/html"/>

This match will look for the content in content/news/**.html, you stated it was somewhere else in your original post (can't remember where), so your "{project:content}{1}.html" needs to be modified to point at the right location.

I am assuming your request URL is something like "" if not then your match attribute is also incorrect.
