Does anybody have some answers to these questions (context, see below):
when running Forrest as a webapp:
- where to put plugins?
- what should be the value of FORREST_HOME?

we run Forrest 0.7 as a webapp under Tomcat on Linux.
The webapp was generated by running "forrest webapp".
Now it is not clear to me where the plugins are installed. As a matter of fact, forrest.properties specifies that the pdf plugin should be installed,
but pdf generation does not seem to work.

Reading section "How does Installation work?" of
http://forrest.apache.org/pluginDocs/plugins_0_80/pluginInfrastructure.html, confuses me. We don't have a directory src/plugins, and no plugins/sitemap.xmap.

Btw, when running Forrest as a webapp, what should be the value of FORREST_HOME?

Gunther Sablon Luciad ** Parijsstraat 74 ** 3000 Leuven
tel:    +32 / 16 / 26 28 30