I think Ross just answered this indirectly in the other thread but yes.



> Along those lines but in a different area, can Forrest pull docs/sitemaps 
> from Daisy repositories, either with the locationmap or other ways?
>  Ross Gardler <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> 03/02/2006 10:58 AM
> Please respond to
>  user@forrest.apache.org
> To user@forrest.apache.org
> cc
> Subject Re: Forrest as Windows-Service: Solution Firedeamon
> Michael Conneen wrote:
>  > What we do is watch a Forrest/Maven source directory in CVS... upon
>  > check in .. we simply copy the content to the deployed webapp.. and
>  > yes.. we used context descriptors as well. ;)
>  You will love the locationmap then (coming in the 0.8 release, fully
>  operational in SVN head). Using the locationmap you can tell Forrest to
>  retrieve the content directly from your CVS server (or any other such
>  server). You will no longer need to copy the content to the deployed
>  webapp, instead the webapp will pull it when it is needed.
>  Ross