Along those lines but in a different area, can Forrest pull docs/sitemaps from Daisy repositories, either with the locationmap or other ways?

Yes, we have a Daisy plugin to do this. You can only do it using the locationmap, this means you need 0.8 of forrest, which is currently in development. So you will need to check out SVN head, in there you will find the daisy plugin at FORREST_HOME/whiteboard/plugins/...

Install forrest, Change to the plugin directory and do "forrest run", you will see the docs for the Daisy plugin, which include examples of how to get things working. BUT...

This is a whiteboard plugin using some of the latest developments in Forrest head. Both are stable enough for use in a production environment (I use them myself, and the Cocoon docs are now generated using this plugin). However, the docs are not exactly detailed.

If you want to use it you will probably have lots of questions. Join us on the dev list and help us improve the docs so that we can move this plugin out of whiteboard.
