On Fri, 2006-10-27 at 12:18 +0100, Ross Gardler wrote:
> Thorsten Scherler wrote:
> > On Fri, 2006-10-27 at 12:05 +0200, C. Grobmeier wrote:
> >>> See the above linked document, all is explained in there (although 
> >>> maybe not clearly enough, patches welcome). In particular for changing 
> >>> colours  (as opposed to layout) see the skinconf.xml file, with 
> >>> particular attention to the <extra-css> and <colors> elements.
> >>>
> >> Thanks, i saw and read that. But i also want to change the layout of the 
> >> tabs and f.e. switch the menu to the right etc. I think this cannot be 
> >> done with extra css, or can i? As far as i understand with the above 
> >> link, when i have small changes like f.e. colors, logo etc i use 
> >> skinconf.xml. When i have bigger changes like modifying the tabs grafics 
> >> or putting the tabs to the right side and such things, i have to prepare 
> >> an extra skin with my own css. Looks like i have not to modify the xsl 
> >> in most cases.
> > 
> > http://forrest.apache.org/pluginDocs/plugins_0_80/org.apache.forrest.plugin.internal.dispatcher/#introduction
> > "As stated in the Skin documentation the aim of the Forrest skins is to
> > provide many capabilities so that extra skins are not needed. Experience
> > showed that many Forrest users still decided to create a new skin
> > because the default skin did not offer the features that they wanted or
> > they "just" needed extra content in some pages. ..."
> > 
> > I would say your case fuels our experience. 
> I disagree. Chris states that he does not expect to have to change the 
> XSL, thus no need for a new skin only CSS changes, thus everything can 
> be done via skinconf.xml.

How can you move the tabs from their current position to another one via
skinconf (this is what Chris wrote above, or)? 

ASAIK that is not possible with pelt. One could use fixed position via
css but that in only <10% of all desired layouts. 

Now if you need to move the div hook to another DOM position of the page
then yes you need to write your own pelt implementation (moving the
contract to the new position and having copied the whole skin for it). 

Only for contracts like the breadcrumb there is an alternative position
defined that you can configure from within the skinconf.xml.

> Having said that, if Chris wants to move to the dispatcher he will 
> benifit from the many advantages of the dispatcher over skins, but he 
> will also be working with an unreleased version of Forrest.

Like he stated he already doing it any case.


> Ross
Thorsten Scherler
COO Spain
Wyona Inc.  -  Open Source Content Management  -  Apache Lenya
http://www.wyona.com                   http://lenya.apache.org