You mean SVN, because if you really mean CVS then this version of
Forrest is way too old and you need to switch ASAP.

yes, i meant SVN :-)
Good luck and welcome to the dispatcher.



Thorsten Scherler wrote:
On Fri, 2006-10-27 at 12:05 +0200, C. Grobmeier wrote:
See the above linked document, all is explained in there (although maybe not clearly enough, patches welcome). In particular for changing colours (as opposed to layout) see the skinconf.xml file, with particular attention to the <extra-css> and <colors> elements.

Thanks, i saw and read that. But i also want to change the layout of the tabs and f.e. switch the menu to the right etc. I think this cannot be done with extra css, or can i? As far as i understand with the above link, when i have small changes like f.e. colors, logo etc i use skinconf.xml. When i have bigger changes like modifying the tabs grafics or putting the tabs to the right side and such things, i have to prepare an extra skin with my own css. Looks like i have not to modify the xsl in most cases.
"As stated in the Skin documentation the aim of the Forrest skins is to
provide many capabilities so that extra skins are not needed. Experience
showed that many Forrest users still decided to create a new skin
because the default skin did not offer the features that they wanted or
they "just" needed extra content in some pages. ..."

I would say your case fuels our experience. You may look into the
dispatcher, but that would mean that you need the SVN Head version of
forrest and not the 0.7 release.
Here (and in the other howtos) you will find basic information to gettt
With the dispatcher it is easy to create a customized theme and only
exchange some parts (we call them contracts in the dispatcher)
overriding them with your own implementation.
Further the structurer lets you "putting the tabs to the right side" by
putting the contract tag into the right place.

P.S. Mind the warning "The "Dispatcher" (aka "Views") is new
functionality which is still in development phase. That is why it is in
the "whiteboard" section of the Forrest distribution."

